Don’t Keep Your Customers Waiting

Decrease customer waiting time, improve waiting line management, and increase revenues with Diqit Queue Management Solutions.
Don’t Keep Your Customers Waiting Decrease customer waiting time, improve waiting line management, and increase revenues with Diqit Queue Management Solutions.

Don’t Keep Your Customers Waiting

Decrease customer waiting time, improve waiting line management, and increase revenues with Diqit Queue Management Solutions.

Reduce manpower and save time with digital display

Improved Productivity & Operational Efficiencies

An effective queue control system can lead to a significant improvement in a organization's service efficiency.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Customers are connected to the interactive visual media while they wait to be assisted. With Customer Feedback Devices attached to QMS, organizations can get instant customer feedback.

Higher Engagement

It helps provide a systematic method to monitor staff performance in a streamlined, hands-free process. The goal is to enhance the service quality and save your organization's time and money by completing tedious tasks automatically.

Real-time Performance Monitoring

Queue management systems help monitor real-time performance and offer reports for strategic management purposes.

Reduce manpower and save time with digital display

Improved Productivity & Operational Efficiencies

An effective queue control system can lead to a significant improvement in a organization's service efficiency.

Enhanced Customer Experience

Customers are connected to the interactive visual media while they wait to be assisted. With Customer Feedback Devices attached to QMS, organizations can get instant customer feedback.

Higher Engagement

It helps provide a systematic method to monitor staff performance in a streamlined, hands-free process. The goal is to enhance the service quality and save your organization's time and money by completing tedious tasks automatically.

Real-time Performance Monitoring

Queue management systems help monitor real-time performance and offer reports for strategic management purposes.

The Main Features of Digital Display


Visualization module for the management to gain immediate information about the customer-flow situation in the branch, for the customers to see their position in the virtual queue.

Digital Signage

Digital signage (media display) software that shows the usual waiting area display / calling information, video files, RSS feed, another website, pictures, centrally organized, by creating playlists.


The customer can identify himself by entering his phone number, using bank and other cards, RFID cards, etc, for example to get higher priority based on his VIP level.

Customer Feedback

Customer feedback module to be used with voice recording module: to be able to evaluate the reason of a bad rate


Full reporting and monitoring module, customizable, extended with scheduled report generation to be sent by e-mail.


Customizable rules can be created to modify operation logic (e.g change calling order). By this way, the unique customer servicing requirements can be covered.

Digital Display System Integration

Digital Display

Advance queueing management solutions to enhance customer's experiences, cater for different industries and application


Kitchen Display System

Organize curbside pickup and delivery in minutes, to meet your diners wherever they are.


Digital Ordering

Take control of your customer experience and increase your profits with our online ordering and delivery platform.


Order Entry

mitigate your customer's experience during transacting with DIQIT, a solution enabling faster point of sales service deliveries using smart digital tools and inter-connectivity


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